22 Dec 2021
Business news
The new contract, which starts from 1st April 2021 and is valued at £7m per annum, will continue to deliver total asset management services over seven years to 6,300 properties; a housing stock increase of 47% since Celtic Horizons launched in 2013.
The collaboration offers a variety of short and long-term support services across a range of areas including managing responsive repairs and empty dwellings, operational management, IT, HR, finance, health and safety, compliance and procurement.
The model will continue to help Celtic Horizons to deliver high service standards for people to enjoy their homes and where they live, reducing the time it takes to resolve enquiries from the first point of contact.
In 2015, the partnership won the UK Housing ‘Maintaining High-Quality Homes’ Awards for delivering an innovative model through top-class maintenance services.
Lynda Sagona, Group Chief Executive of United Welsh said:
“The extension of the contract demonstrates our confidence in the trusting partnership we have developed with Mears over the past eight years, and we look forward to continuing to work with them in delivering excellent services for our customers in future.”
Colin Middlemass, Chief Operating Officer, Mears Group, said:
“We are delighted to extend the contract with United Welsh.
“The team has worked hard to ensure the services delivered to tenants by Celtic Horizons are consistently of the highest standard with a culture of continuous improvement and tenant involvement.”