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Make the move to Universal Credit

From October 2023, if you’re currently receiving Working Tax Credits and/or Child Tax Credits, you will be sent a letter from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) asking you to move to Universal Credit in order to keep receiving financial support.

This page is a guide to help you understand if you’ll be asked to move, what you need to do and when you need to make the move to Universal Credit.

Yes, you’ll need to apply within three months of getting the letter or you’ll risk losing your benefits completely. You won’t be moved automatically, so it’s important that you apply online.

If you’re receiving Working Tax Credit or Child Tax Credit and no other benefits, you’ll receive a letter from the DWP asking you to move to Universal Credit. If you’re receiving any other benefits on top of these, you won’t be asked to move until later next year.

A flow chart to find out if you need to make the move to Universal Credit or not.

If you live with a partner, you’ll both need to claim Universal Credit together. You must make a joint claim for your household, even if your partner is not eligible for Universal Credit.

There’s a temporary top-up payment available called transitional protection. This will make sure that Universal Credit matches what you currently get from your entitlements to help you adjust, and will go down over time. You’ll only get transitional protection if you apply within three months of receiving the letter from the DWP.

You can apply online on the UK Government website. You’ll need to complete your claim within 28 days of creating your account or you’ll have to start your application again.

To do: - Receive letter from DWP - Create a Universal Credit account online - Prove your identity - Provide documents and evidence to support your claim - Complete and submit online claim Before applying, remember to find: - Bank, building society or credit union account details - Driving license, passport, debit or credit card, payslip or P60 - Information about rent amount, childcare costs, savings and investments

To find out how much you might get, search ‘Turn2Us Benefits Calculator’ online.

No – once you make the claim for Universal Credit, you cannot go back to the benefits you were on previously.

Speak to our Money Advice team

If you need support applying or want advice, our Money Advice team can help. Get in touch and ask to speak to the Money Advice team about making the move to Universal Credit.

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